LIVe2021 intends to be a unique exchange platform for scientists from all over the world interested in in vitro respiratory researches.

About this event
The meeting will focus on predictive in vitro lung models designed for basic research, efficacy and toxicity testing. It aims to present the state-of-the-art in vitro lung models, and to map out the road for its future development and use.
Download the event agenda here
Confirmed speakers :
- Prof. Claus Michael Lehr (Saarland University)
- Dr. Laura Gribaldo (EURL-ECVAM JRC)
- Dr. Josue Sznitman (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
- Prof. Thomas Hartung (CAAT)
- Prof. Sara Cherry (University of Pennsylvania)
- Dr. Jean-Claude Sirard (Pasteur institute Lille)
- Prof. Marc Chanson (University of Geneva)
- Dr. Kambez Benam (University of Colorado)
- Prof. Otmar Schmid (Helmholtz Zentrum München)
- Cindia Ferreira Lopes (Epithelix young scientist)
- Florian Shala (Epithelix young scientist)
You can register to this event on this page.
Take this opportunity to present your research with a poster !
View all the submitted posters here !
Click on the image below and upload your poster, that will be made available on a dedicated page for two weeks.