MucilAir™-HF and SmallAir™-HF are versions of our tissues cocultured with human primary fibroblasts.
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MA / SA -HF : MucilAir™ and SmallAir™ cocultured with fibroblasts

Human Airway Epithelia consisting of primary epithelial cells (MucilAir™) cocultured with Human airway Fibroblasts (HF).
Applications of MucilAir™-HF and SmallAir™-HF
- Lung Fibrosis studies
- Wound healing
- Cell-Cell crosstalk
MucilAir™-HF is available from:
- Single donor or pool of donors available in nasal healthy version only.
- Different anatomical sites (Nasal, Tracheal or Bronchial)
MucilAir™-HF and SmallAir™-HF are available from:
- Patients with several pathologies:
- Healthy
- COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
- Asthma
- Cystic Fibrosis (several mutations available)
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Smoker
Schematic representation of SmallAir™-HF

Histology of SmallAir™-HF

CC-10 Staining (Marker of Club Cells)

H/E Alcian Blue staining

MUC-5AC staining (marker of Goblet cells)