Testing services
MucilAir™ (MA)
MucilAir™ Pool nasal
MucilAir™ Pool bronchial
SmallAir™ (SA)
SmallAir™ Pool
AlveolAir™ (AA)
Advanced tissues
MA / SA / AA - Macrophages
Cryopreserved cells
hAEC: upper airway
hSAEC: small airway
Fibroblasts (HF)
Alveolar Pneumocytes
Cells extracts
Cells and Tissues Extracts
Culture media
MucilAir™ Medium
SmallAir™ Medium
AlveolAir™ Medium
hAEC and hSAEC Medium
Macrophage Medium
Pneumocyte Medium
All products
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Viral infections
Bacterial infections
Nasal Spray
Inhalation toxicity
Anti inflammatory
Cystic Fibrosis
Absorption - Permeation
Mucolytic activity
Nasal dryness
Wound healing
Exposure devices
Cilia-X : CBF analysis
Mucociliary clearance analysis
All services
For common questions, please visit our FAQ
Protocol : Put MucilAir™ into culture
Protocol : MucilAir™ apical washing
Protocol : TEER (Trans Epithelial Electrical Resistance)
TV report on biotechnology companies in the region of Geneva
Primary human macrophages sensing birch pollen
MucilAir™ and SmallAir™ presentation
Natural Yin & Yang formation on MucilAir™
House dust mite induces M-CSF secretion in human airway epithelia
Primary human in vitro co-culture model of alveolar epithelium-endothelium and parenchymal fibroblasts to study idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and related treatments
Establishment of an in vitro human nasal epithelium model to study histamine effect and fexofenadine benefit as inverse agonist in prophylactic condition
Development of primary human airway models with dendritic cells cultured at air-liquid interface
Evaluation of the local tolerance of flagellin aerosol therapy (FLAMOD) on primary human cell-based 3D in vitro nasal, bronchial, small-airway and alveolar models
Novel fully primary human airway epithelium-alveolar macrophages in vitro co-cultures models to study host pathogen interactions
Development of immuno-competent human airway epithelial models with macrophages for inhalation toxicity evaluation of airborne substances
Ciliopathic and inflammatory effect of Poly (I:C) on in vitro 3D human airway epithelium
In vitro evaluation of novel antibiotics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection on Human Airway Epithelia
The SupAir project: A long term culture of nasal-tracheal-bronchial and bronchiolar human airway epithelia at interconnected and dynamic liquid flow conditions
Respiratory irritants cause reversible up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines on human nasal mucosa reconstituted in vitro
Streptococcus pneumoniae inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa growth on nasal human epithelium in vitro
Efficient replication of respiratory syncytal virus induces a decrease of mucociliary clearance in human small airway 3D culture
Efficacy of antiviral drugs in a human in vitro nasal epithelium model (MucilAir™)
Establishment and Characterization of an in vitro Human Small Airway Model (SmallAir™)
Airway epithelium co-cultured with immune cells for a better assessment of the low dose effects of environmental pollutants
Evaluation of reconstituted human bronchial epithelium (MucilAir™) suitability for repeated dose testing
Development of a human airway tissue-based assay for respiratory absorption giving input parameters for PBTK modelling
Toxicity assessment of construction materials in vitro on Human 3D Airway Epithelium (MucilAir™) using highly sensitive functional endpoints
Goblet cell metaplasia induced in a fully differentiated human airway epithelium (MucilAir ™)
Development of an in vitro assay for assessing the anti-inflammatory drug effects based on human airway epithelium
The use of in vitro Human Airway Epithelia for the development of novel antivirals against human rhinoviruses (HRV)
Potential of 3d human airway epithelia reconstituted in vitro (mucilair™) for identifying respiratory sensitizers
A simple method for testing the toxicity of nanomaterials on 3D Air-Liquid Interface Human Airway Epithelia (MucilAir™)
An in vitro testing strategy for the development of novel inhaled therapeutics using Human 3D Airway Epithelium Model (MucilAir™)
Comparison of respiratory virus infection between human nasal epithelial cell monolayer and air-liquid interface 3D culture
Evaluation of a human in vitro 3D respiratory epitheli um model in bioavaila bility and safety assessment of pharmaceutical and chemical compounds
Smoke Inhalation – Decontamination Study of Toxic Substances on an in vitro Model of Human Airway Epithelium
Development of a new 3D-Human Airway Epithelium/ Whole-blood Co-culture Model Combined with Multi-Analyte Profile (MAP) Analyses for Assessing Drug Effects
MucilAir™ versus RAW 264.7 cells in nanotoxicology
Human 3D airway models to predict in vivo bioavailability upon inhalation
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